In 1977 a group of Ministers in Prince George’s County formed a group called “Concerned Clergy of P.G. Co.” – fueled by many pertinent political issues that had surfaced in the county. As this group convened monthly the idea was conceived that the Minister’s wives should also get together. The convener for this group was Dr. Lillie Williams, wife of Rev. Robert Williams, Sr., Pastor of St. Paul Baptist Church (then of Boulevard Heights, MD). 


The core purpose of the group is to function as a support group for spouses of Ministers - to deal with issues uniquely faced by spouses of Ministers.  The group therefore functions as a "safe place" where such issues can be discussed, emotions can be vented, and spouses can receive love and support from others who understand their unique position.


Initially the wives met at the same time and place, though in a different room with a different agenda as the Ministers but later decided that they would rather meet separately at a different venue. They therefore began to meet monthly in each other’s homes.


The name “Clergymates” was chosen to distinguish the group from other Minister’s Wives groups and also because the name was gender neutral. Even at that time the vision was that at some time in the future the group would also welcome male spouses of female Ministers.


Initially Clergymate retreats were held at a retreat home owned by First Baptist Church of North Brentwood, MD in Sykesville, MD. Then, starting in 1992, the retreats were held in the home of Clergymate Dr. Elliece Smith Bryant. In 2009 and again in 2011 the retreats were held in the home of Clergymate Carole Parrish in Williamsburg, VA. Since 2012 the retreats have been held at various public retreat venues. The Christmas meeting takes the form of holiday fellowships or gatherings that many times include the spouses.


Shortly after its formation the group decided to have one outreach project annually to benefit the Christian community at large. This took the form of an Oratorical Contest to help foster public speaking skills in our youth. The first contest was held in 1986 and has been held every year since then.